Close to Finalizing

Amidst this COVID-19 outbreak, I have had the liberty to focus on classes and do the best that I could. I totally did not spend half the time sleeping and the other half doing nothing.

I started with easy manipulations. Get some blending modes and slap on my favorite Arizona drink.

THEN, I started thinking of more fantasy type worlds. But I still have to SOMEHOW relate to the prompt of "the cyclical nature of things." So I thought about my life. What I do everyday and the pictures I took. Well, I noticed that I love food very much. I regularily eat food, drink drinks, and enjoy my cat and things I see in the moment. Though I often notice that all my thoughts are sometimes too dark and too sad. Or sometimes I don't stop to appreciate the good things. So I started thinking about how I would portray that kind of empty headed-ness/full of thoughts feeling. That empty feeling where you know everything will or has gone wrong. Like seeing yourself in third person or that one allergy medicine "ad" where the woman ends up getting really badly beaten up by herself.

Anyways, I added more elements to the picture above.

During my moments of productivity, I started noticing how easily I would delve into insanity of being by my lonesome so my drafts look a bit scary or "deep fried" for you memers. I started overthinking my decisions and ended with something that kind of looks like hell.

Afterwards I just started wanting to portray the idea of being able to go into a fantasy world. So I generalized my personal objects and drew a neat waterfall off a canyon and slapped it into photoshop. 

This picture to the left is actually what I am thinking of keeping. Its very lofi-feeling, like a dreamland almost. And I really like it. I played around with my favorite blending modes and some more generalized ideas like cats, waterfalls, and dreams.

I see the water as circular since its a whole process for water to finally be in our hands ready to drink. It goes through rain and being evaporated or transpirated... And I decided to make the circular part of that cycle known throughout the usage of circles being faintly everywhere. The cat basically represents relaxation and sanity since you gotta stay composed to go through life. And the arizona teas are there just because. I can always take them out too.

But overall, I am thinking of going with this last picture.
